James Conway

Picture of Jamie Conway

I am a mathematician, primarily interested in topology and geometry, more specifically: contact and symplectic geometry.
I also typeset books, specialising in Hebrew/Yiddish, translate Yiddish to English, and play lots of Kaizo Mario.
Pronouns: he/him/his.

See my academic CV.

Contact Information

UMD E-Mail: jiconway@umd.edu
Other E-Mail: james@jiconway.com
Office: Kirwan (Math) 2101


In Spring 2025, I am teaching Math 240 and Math 430 (links to Canvas sites).

Past Classes


  1. Classification of tight contact structures on surgeries on the figure-eight knot
  2. Contact surgery and symplectic caps
  3. Mazur-type manifolds with \(L\)-space boundary
  4. Symplectic fillings, contact surgeries, and Lagrangian disks
  5. Tight Contact Structures via Admissible Transverse Surgery
  6. Contact Surgeries on the Legendrian Figure-Eight Knot
  7. Overtwisted Positive Contact Surgeries
  8. Transverse Surgery on Knots in Contact 3-Manifolds
  9. Tight Planar Contact Manifolds with Vanishing Heegaard Floer Contact Invariants

Recent Typesetting/Design Work

Samples available upon request.